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[E] Diezen
[E] Diezen
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over 13 years ago
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over 11 years ago
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Woo awesome guide Yield! Wished it was easier to find though...
over 13 years ago
Oh I relogged and /home put me back in the place I set it as. Although I have no clue why this happened in the first place, it is very odd... -.-
over 13 years ago
So after exploring a little bit in the Guest World, I do a /home to teleport back to my house. Where I found myself however is a weird area, where it seems the level size is 250x250 blocks (est), you take no damage, and every time you try to do /warp or /tpa - It takes you to the exact same spot in the center of the area. If I fall off the side of the map it just goes to a dark purple area and nothing happens, can't kill myself either, so... I need an admin or mods help.
over 13 years ago
Oh god someone divided by zero =(
over 13 years ago
Yep also stuck... someone needs to do something about this stupid hole...
over 13 years ago